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Add a Question

Choose a template:
Select subject:
Select topic:
Select sub-topic:


Attach image(s)

To add the attached image(s) to your question,
- First bring the cursor to the place in the question where you want the image to appear,
- Then click on the image preview thumbnail above.
Its placeholder like {{img:img1}} Will be added in the question at current typing location.
You can also cut-paste to move it around.

Manage Subjects, Topics, Subtopics

Click on a subject, topic or subtopic cell to edit it.
Once done, press Enter to save the changes.
Note: the _id values will remain fixed once created.

Add a new subject / topic / subtopic

Select existing Subject / Topic, or type to add a new one.





Delete a subtopic

Note: this will also remove the parent Subject / Topic if it's the only subtopic under them.
